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"Deadtime Stories" was a 1986 USA horror comedy anthology movie co-written and directed by Jeffery Delman. It tells the tale of a babysitter - Uncle Mike (played by Michael Mesmer) who tells his nephew three scary stories. The first story is about a slave used by two witches, who are attempting to resurrect their sister. The second story is based on "Little Red Riding Hood", where a teenage girl mistakenly picks up a werewolfs medicine for her grandmother. The third story, based on "Goldilocks", tells about three escaped mental patients who share their hideaway with a murderess.
Scott Valentine
Nicole Picard
Rachel (Red Riding Hood)
Matt Mitler
Willie (Werewolf)
Cathryn de Prume
Goldi Lox
Melissa Leo
Judith 'MaMa' Baer
Kathy Fleig
Phyllis Craig
Michael Mesmer
Uncle Mike
Brian DePersia
Little Brian
Kevin Hannon
Beresford 'Papa' Baer
Timothy Rule
Wilmont 'Baby' Baer
Anne Redfern
Casper Roos
Barbara Seldon
Leigh Kilton
Lesley Sank
Reviving Magoga
Lisa Cain
Living Magoga
Jeffrey Delman
Strangling Man
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