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Watch The Dead Full Movie on LugaTv

Watch The Dead Full Movie

Run Time: 1h 45m.
IMDb: 5.7 / 10.
Release year: 2010.
Story: An American mercenary, the sole survivor of a plane crash, has to run the gauntlet across Africa, battling with the living dead.

Lieutenant Brian Murphy, is the sole survivor of the final plane out of Africa, which crashes somewhere off the coast of West Africa. The night before, a zombie horde attacked many villages in that area. Brian gathers supplies from the plane crash and travels by foot until he finds and fixes a broken-down truck in a village. When driving, the truck gets stuck in a pothole as zombies get closer. Daniel Dembele, a local African soldier gone AWOL in search of his son, rescues Brian from certain death. Daniels wife had been killed in a zombie attack the previous night and a local military unit, heading north to a military base, had rescued his son. Daniel agrees to lead Brian to the nearest airport, a days drive away, in exchange for his truck upon arrival for Daniel to use to find his son. At the airport, Brian attempts radioing for help using the air traffic towers radio, but he receives no response. Daniel gets fuel for the truck and the two agree it would be best to stick together and attempt to travel to the military base, with Daniel hoping his son is there and Brian hoping they have a plane he can repair to fly back to the United States. They rest for a night at a village that has been converted to a survival camp by a group of local soldiers. They leave the following morning. While driving through the African plains, the truck hits a tree, breaking the vehicle. Brian and Daniel continue on foot and sleep around a fire for the night. A zombie horde attacks the group in their sleep, leaving Daniel bitten and badly wounded. They manage to shoot their way out of the attack and continue moving forward. Daniel tells Brian of a necklace he wears and that he planned to pass down to his son. Daniel succumbs to his wounds soon thereafter. Brian continues the trek alone to the northern military base. After an eventful journey through dangerous and rough terrain, Brian reaches the base, which has become a survival camp. He repairs an old radio unit in the base and broadcasts his name, managing to reach fellow American military officer Frank Greaves at a U.S. military base in Nevada. It is revealed that the epidemic has reached the United States, which is rapidly failing to hold out. When Brian asks about his family, Frank informs him that "theyre gone." Zombies invade the U.S. military base, ending the radio transmission. Brian goes back outside as zombies overwhelm the gates around the camp and begin killing all the survivors. At the last moment, Daniels son approaches Brian, seeing his fathers necklace in his hand. They hold hands and turn to face the overwhelming horde that approaches them.

Director: .
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