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It is an animated comedy-adventure series which follows the offbeat adventures of 10-year-old Cricket Green, a mischievous and optimistic country boy who moves to the big city with his wildly out of place family - older sister Tilly, father Bill and Gramma Alice. Crickets natural curiosity and enthusiasm lead him and his family on epic journeys and into the hearts of his new neighbors.
. Chris Houghton
Cricket Green
Marieve Herington
Tilly Green
Bob Joles
Bill Green
Artemis Pebdani
Gramma Alice Green
Shane Houghton
Additional Voices
Zeno Robinson
Anna Akana
Wendi McLendon-Covey
Nancy Green
Luke Lowe
Andy Daly
Officer Keys
Danny Trejo
Colton Dunn
Additional Voices
Monica Ray
Roger Craig Smith
Additional Voices
Betsy Sodaro
Community Sue
Lamar Woods
John Early
Dee Bradley Baker
Additional Voices
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