Episode Info: Armed with whats left of an avalanche victims gear, Dave and Cody show how to survive in the Wyomings harsh Rocky Mountains. Facing sub-zero temperatures, they make their way down a jagged ice waterfall, build a snow cave and try to salvage a dead elk carcass. Along the descent, they must work together to get through waist-deep snow and rig their parachute cord to get down to the tree line where theres a chance of making a fire.
Experts agree there are some very basic - and universal - rules for surviving in the wild. Find shelter, find water, find food, find help. Beyond that, theres not much they agree on. Meet military trained Dave Canterbury and naturalist Cody Lundin - trained survival experts who have very different methods of meeting survival challenges. Together, with their drastically different backgrounds, the pair are dropped into scenarios that could happen to anyone: marooned sailors, lost hikers, trapped divers and stranded mountain climbers. Equipped with minimal gear that would have been carried in the real-life situations, Cody and Dave must draw upon their arsenal of skills to devise extraordinary ways to use what they can find in their surroundings to demonstrate what it takes to stay alive. —Jiilo_Kim .
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