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Watch Hache Season 2 Episode 4 online free

Run Time: 50m.
IMDb: 6.5.
Episode name: Soledades .
Air Date: 5 Feb. 2021.
Episode Info: Vinuesa eagerly investigates the incident at the club. Arístides tries to smooth things over with Pío. Hache runs into Celeste in an unexpected place.
Story: Inspired by real events, Hache is the story of Helena, a woman catapulted to the heroin trafficking business in the Barcelona of the 60s.

Barcelona, 1960. Helenas husband is in jail and she needs money to get him a decent lawyer. She finds work with the gangster Malpica, a heroin importer and distributor. A drug turf war is underway and Malpica is quite ruthless, leaving a trail of dead bodies in his wake. The string of murders has the police interested and they have a team trying to identify the culprit. The police investigations and drug war also put Helena in the firing line. In her new world, Helena is known simply by her initial - Hache.

Creator: Verónica Fernández .
Country: .

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