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Watch Lab Rats Season 4 Episode 13 oneline free | v1 LugaTv

Watch Lab Rats Season 4 Episode 13 online free

Run Time: 22m.
IMDb: 6.6.
Episode name: Bionic Action Heroes: Part 2 .
Air Date: 5 Aug. 2015.
Episode Info: Having won an initial battle against Giselle and Troy, the bionic team scrambles to find the abducted Chase before Giselle has time to cut him open for his bionic chip.
Story: A scrawny 14-year-old, having discovered his inventor stepdad has three bionic, super-powered teens living cloistered in a secret lab beneath their home, brings them out into the world.

When 14-year-old Leos mom Tasha Dooley marries billionaire inventor Donald Davenport, he moves up in the world, but neither he nor his mom in their wildest dreams imagine that Leo will soon find three bionic super-powered teenagers - Adam, Bree and Chase - living within a secret lab beneath the inventors expansive home. Now Leo has three older "siblings" to watch out for him while he introduces them to the outside world. School life and super-adventures await them all.

Donald Davenport built a training area for hundreds of students to train and go on missions But one day leo quits the academy and goes home but Chase, Adam , Bree ,Douglas , and Donald are hanging off the edge of the golden gate bridge and leo goes to save his family

Creator: Bryan Moore | Chris Peterson .
Country: .

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