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Set in the fictional town of Rosewood, Pennsylvania, the series follows the lives of four girls, Aria Montgomery, Hanna Marin, Emily Fields, and Spencer Hastings, whose clique falls apart after the disappearance of their leader, Alison DiLaurentis. One year later, the estranged friends are reunited as they begin receiving messages from a mysterious figure named "A", who threatens to expose their deepest secrets, including ones they thought only Alison knew. At first, they think its Alison herself, but after her body is found, the girls realize that someone else is planning on ruining their not so perfect lives.
Never trust a pretty girl with an ugly secret - In Rosewood High, there was a group of high school students, Aria, Hanna, Spencer, Emily, and Alison, their leader. Alison was the popular "Queen Bee" of the high school students. Each of the four girls always shared her secrets with Ali. One Labor Day night, the five girls were having a party, when Alison suddenly went missing. Without their leader, the four girls separated. One year later, each girl gets a text message from a mysterious person named "A", including secrets that only Alison should know. Could this person be Alison? If not, then who is it? The girls reunite to find out who this A is and to stop him or her from exposing their secrets.
. Troian Bellisario
Spencer Hastings
Ashley Benson
Hanna Marin
Lucy Hale
Aria Montgomery
Shay Mitchell
Emily Fields
Sasha Pieterse
Alison DiLaurentis
Ian Harding
Ezra Fitz
Laura Leighton
Ashley Marin
Janel Parrish
Mona Vanderwaal
Tyler Blackburn
Caleb Rivers
Keegan Allen
Toby Cavanaugh
Holly Marie Combs
Ella Montgomery
Chad Lowe
Byron Montgomery
Lesley Fera
Veronica Hastings
Tammin Sursok
Jenna Marshall
Lindsey Shaw
Paige McCullers
Andrea Parker
Jessica DiLaurentis
Torrey DeVitto
Melissa Hastings
Nia Peeples
Pam Fields
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